The Ministry had its inception with teachings given by director and founder, The Reverend Mother Ione Sonam Llhamo (IONE) in 1971 when she began to teach Dream Circles, Journal and Notebook Workshops and other creative gatherings in Southern France, Upstate New York and New York City.
These gatherings were designed to assist women and men in locating sources of creativity.
They included discussion of creative goals and the exploration of dreams.
Journals and notebooks were encouraged for capturing inspirational writings and drawings.
The meetings became regularly scheduled events that continued for over 15 years.
The next step in the evolution of the Ministry took place in 1984 after Ione’s first journey to Egypt.
She was on assignment as a journalist. (Writings during this and later pilgrimages were published in travel magazines and newspapers, including the Gannett Chain, the Christian Science Monitor,
Ms. & Vogue) Profoundly inspired by her experiences and the depth of feeling in the land of Egypt, Ione founded Women’s Mysteries,
A One Year Training Program in the Healing and Intuitive Arts, for Women Who Want To Go Deeper.
The program was and continues to be dedicated to the concept of women recovering their inherent wisdom through creating community with other women. Studies of women’s spirituality and women’s mores are integral to the program. Meditation practices, guided meditations, discussion, ritual, ceremony and journeys to sacred sites are primary processes of the program.
The study of Egyptian Mysteries forms a core to the teachings, but is not an exclusive lens
for the spiritual investigations of the group.
Women are encouraged in world-wide explorations, particularly as it applies to their own
interests and ancestry.
The cumulative teachings and strong community developed by hundreds of women over a period of twelve years became the foundation for the spiritual organization entitled The Ministry of Maat, inc.
These gatherings were designed to assist women and men in locating sources of creativity.
They included discussion of creative goals and the exploration of dreams.
Journals and notebooks were encouraged for capturing inspirational writings and drawings.
The meetings became regularly scheduled events that continued for over 15 years.
The next step in the evolution of the Ministry took place in 1984 after Ione’s first journey to Egypt.
She was on assignment as a journalist. (Writings during this and later pilgrimages were published in travel magazines and newspapers, including the Gannett Chain, the Christian Science Monitor,
Ms. & Vogue) Profoundly inspired by her experiences and the depth of feeling in the land of Egypt, Ione founded Women’s Mysteries,
A One Year Training Program in the Healing and Intuitive Arts, for Women Who Want To Go Deeper.
The program was and continues to be dedicated to the concept of women recovering their inherent wisdom through creating community with other women. Studies of women’s spirituality and women’s mores are integral to the program. Meditation practices, guided meditations, discussion, ritual, ceremony and journeys to sacred sites are primary processes of the program.
The study of Egyptian Mysteries forms a core to the teachings, but is not an exclusive lens
for the spiritual investigations of the group.
Women are encouraged in world-wide explorations, particularly as it applies to their own
interests and ancestry.
The cumulative teachings and strong community developed by hundreds of women over a period of twelve years became the foundation for the spiritual organization entitled The Ministry of Maat, inc.